We support and empower clinicians to use their clinical judgment to make decisions in partnership with their patients. As they make a meaningful impact on each patient’s life, they are also transforming the delivery of care.
a 12-year-old patient who was treated for a venomous snake bite by Envision's Dr. Spencer Greene
It felt like something pricked me really quickly. It started burning after like a couple seconds. It got really red and swollen, and I couldn’t even walk.
one of the leading toxicology physicians in the country
She came in and had swelling and bruising, and it was obvious that it was a pit viper bite.
The medical group is one of the largest submitters of acute health data to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ MIPS program. While treating patients’ complex needs, Envision clinicians are exceeding national quality benchmarks and defining care quality.
2 new CMS-approved quality measures developed for palliative care and congestive heart failure
6 CMS-approved measures developed by Envision teams in the past three years
99.2% of patients 18 and older undergoing a CT scan had reduced radiation exposure
98.5% of patients 18 and older received multi-modal management care during elective surgeries
97.4% prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections using maximal sterile barrier techniques
93.4% of pediatric and PICU patients received clinically appropriate antibiotics for bronchiolitis
92.6% of radiology cases in the ED were turned around within 30 minutes
87.9% survival of very low birth weight infants (1,500 grams and under)
Envision clinicians in Florida are ensuring patients who present in the emergency department (ED) receive the right care at the right time in the right place as part of Envision’s value-based care program tailored to patients. The teams are improving patient outcomes, reducing avoidable ED returns and reducing healthcare system waste.
30Mestimated savings
6%lowered readmission
Envision hospital medicine clinicians in Texas are working within the care team continuum to make connections between patients, resources and clinicians. A focus has been to connect with primary care physicians to coordinate care, communicate patients’ unique needs and ensure patients receive appropriate ongoing medical support. Additionally, the team has built a strong clinical relationship with the payer to coordinate post-discharge resources for high-risk patients.
65%increased warm handoff at discharge
In 2023, Envision's affiliated medical group, F&S Radiology, P.C., which provides teleradiology services across the country, earned The Joint Commission's Gold Seal of Approval® for Ambulatory Care Organizations by demonstrating continuous compliance with its performance standards. The Gold Seal is a symbol of quality that reflects a healthcare organization’s demonstrated commitment to providing safe, reliable, quality patient care.
Clinicians in Arizona have implemented a program to navigate fluctuations during peak census hours and unanticipated surges in the ED, providing patients with timely, clinically appropriate care. During triage, clinicians use a secure platform to complete a visual exam and initiate real-time diagnostic testing. This early intervention reduces ED wait times and the number of patients who leave without being seen and increases patient satisfaction and outcomes. The program is now expanding to other sites across Envision.
Rooted in our core belief of doing what is right for patients, our teams are solving some of healthcare’s most pressing challenges. With patients’ health and safety as our guide, we are working to reduce variability in clinical care, identify and share evidence-based best practices and enhance the care experience for patients and clinicians.
2CMS-approved Qualified Clinical Data Registries out of more than 40 nationally
7Specialty-specific clinical quality committees
Envision’s Innovation and Research Institute team is delivering tomorrow’s care today. In 2023, they conducted and aided in the publication of numerous studies while performing hundreds of research patient visits.
30investigator-initiated and Envision-initiated studies
116publications by Envision clinicians
272active studies
300research patient visits